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Ongoing missions

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All of us are in Iraq, but one of us in a seperate location. It all counts to two missions.

Bobby Smith is on an internet assignment where he must, in broad daylight, beat a woman to death with our current month's specialized weapon, a baseball bat!
John Brown has three missions lined up.
Mission 1 - Internet Request to kill a man with any weapon of John's choice, as long as the message 'Cindy knew about it' applied to it.
Mission 2 - A mission where John must kill a family of three people who were illegal laundering money. Guess who is paying him? The Police.
Mission 3 - Another internet request, John must shoot two people with a shotgun at a certain time in a certain place. Sounds like a trap, but he'll do it anyway.

Jim Grimes is on a mission to go and kill a drug dealer who has been putting dust in his cocaine and ripping people off. It's a simple job.
Sarah Leopins must go and kill a high-class bussinessman in his Manor. This mission requires a lot of stealth, but she is confident.

Staff that are not currently on missions are most likely at the base or visiting family.

You are on a mission to hire on of us to do a hit for you. See Services for more information.

For the authorities, these missions aren't real... wink, wink.